How does CO₂ compensation work in detail?
Example calculation
One hour of flight with a Cessna 172 releases around 88 kg of CO2, for which, depending on the engine variant, an average of around 30 liters of fuel are consumed per hour. For a flight distance of 300 km, the required compensation would be less than one euro. Offsetting is possible from €1.
Your certificate
With aerops you only pay the purchase price per ton of CO2 without further surcharges. In addition, there are only the transaction fees and costs for participation in the program, which are listed transparently in the invoice. After payment, you receive an official certificate from ClimatePartner documenting your commitment to sustainable climate protection.
Where do the proceeds go?
The proceeds go to a climate protection project in India, certified according to international standards, which produces renewable energy with solar power. The project involves the installation of PV solar modules in the three Indian states of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra and has a capacity of 225 megawatt hours. For every ton of CO2 offset there, a funding contribution flows into a German mountain forest project in the Harz mountains.